damn! i get a certain taste and flavor in my mouth and i want more. once again i digress for here is the taste i want to write about - zergut eggplant appetizer. i love the name of this stuff. funny only in that i use it for so many things other than putting it on a cracker. this stuff is so inexpensive too @ $3.20 for a 19oz jar at pfi here in the emerald city! it wasn't too long ago i had this folded into scrambled eggs - fantastic! and i use it in pasta all the time along with spinach and feta...phenomenal! the entire line of zergut products have been great...also at pfi you can get pickles, roasted red peppers and a ton of other stuff too. as much as i should be roasting my own peppers and eggplants, this stuff is the deal for real.