at a book signing in 1983, i once asked iggy pop what he had for lunch and he said that was the stupidist thing anybody has ever asked him. and now you get my rants and raves about food - thanks ig!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
repetition is ok, isn't it ok?
i have a love hate affair with chicken. when i make it for myself, i love it and for that matter, when someone makes it for me, i love it all over again. when i am dining out, ordering is near impossible as it usually is not good, overpriced or just stupid (it's chicken damn it!). but when i am in l.a. this week, i plan on ordering chicken...oh yes and this is where, VERSAILLES!!! great god above - this is the famous garlic chicken and it is as good as it gets. man oh man, this place is great and no secret to angelinos. i want to try new places but why when food is that good and you are there for only five days? which means i am going ot in-n-out burger and if i am lucky, maybe a visit to el tepeyac and really crank up the cardiac arrest...i guess if that was the goal i'd go to roscoe's too but i digress. why eat healthy while in l.a.? but back to the bird for a moment as i am seriously going to consider the other outstanding chicken in soCal, (i wouldn't do you like that) zankou chicken. for real. i am off to oc/la tomorrow and will report back on my findings or revisits when i get back.
until then, here's a distraction for you - chick this out.
i enjoy eating more than cooking. i like dumpy places as much as i like cloth and silver. don't call me a foodie and don't even use that word around me. shut up and eat.
1 comment:
I had chicken last night. It was sensational.
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